Mercedes Sprinter 312 with the 2.9 turbo-diesel. Spent weeks on holiday, driving around eastern Australia. Fitted the chip just before I left. It goes very well indeed - there is more power (of course), and the power delivery is much smoother than when unchipped. This may not translate well, but the engine feels "creamier". Excellent mid-range torque. I was passing cars going UP the hills at 100 kph - which, in a Sprinter long wheelbase high top reisemobil, is unusual.
Also, the Sprinter with the 2.9 litre turbo-diesel is easy to stall when starting from a standstill due to poor low range torque. That's all fixed now. I only stalled once the whole trip when I started in third by mistake.
Good fuel consumption too - 8.5 km per litre laden when driving at speed. I even ran one tank of bio-diesel, made from canola oil and bright clear yellow in colour, with no problems at all.
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